We Riot

I took this picture one of the first days I went to manifestations in Plaza Dignidad since October 18th.
I had never been in a manifestation before, I even remember, when was a child, I used to think that riot “is not the way”, of course I didn´t know the reality about other people live; poverty, discrimination, marginalization. I thought I was aware of this, but even within my privileges I didn't take the gravity of all that. We must give credit to the videos that are broadcast on social media that account for all these abuses.

Today I am conscius about reasons of riot, and I´m part of those riot days. I´ve gone to manifestations alone or with friends a lot of times and that experience helped me to change my mind about the government, cops and all the system that we live in. Politics gets me bored, but now I understand my responsability as a citizen to keep me informed on the subject. I guess I was not the only who pass through this change of mind hahaha.

Now I have not come out again because of Covid, I do not want to infect me or infect others, but I know that when all this gets over, we will riot again and more than ever.

I see you there ;)


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