Changes To My Study Programme


To begin with, I think that if I made any changes in the curriculum it would be to turn the annual subjects to semestral subjects, at least the ones that open to the next subjects. I know it's not as easy as getting there and doing it, but really, failing a subject delays you too much with your career, and it wouldn't be a big problem if it weren't for the fact that university is very expensive.

About the workload, sometimes teachers don’t take into account the other subjects we have. I wish they were more empathetic in that regard.

I like the infrastructure of our faculty, but I know it can be improved, and I have seen that they work on it.

Finally, about the use of technology and teaching methods. I think we should take better advantage of technologies; there are classes that are incredibly long, such as cell biology or physiology, where you have to rescue every minute detail, no formulas or that kind of thing. Is in these cases where I say that they should record the classes. Teachers already use microphones to speak, they just need to record the screen and voila.

And as I always said: Teachers, PLEASE GIVE US THE EXERCISES WITH THE SOLUTIONS. We are adults, the way we study is our responsibility. You would save a lot of time giving us the answers instead of leaving us wondering if we answer right or not.


  1. I really agree with you in everything uwu

  2. I very much agree with changing the annual subjects to semester and especially with the issue of solutions

  3. I agree with everything you said, it would be general to give the exercises resolved


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