English Language Challenges

My English experience was a failure since the beginning because I couldn't do the English test because the computer didn't work, so I was to do the English subject since level 1.

I think that if I could have taken the English test, I would have stayed at level 3. Level 1 and 2 was easy for me. In fact I was almost the only one who used to speak with teacher in English 3 class, but still with difficulty.

Unfortunately I did level 3 online and now i'm doing level 4 english online too, so the experience was boring, the communication is not the same. I don't even know how my English 3 teacher looks like hahaha.

And let's not get confused. Teachers have done the best they can in this context and I appreciate it.

About the use of the blogs, I think it is a success, because it's an instance where we can express our ideas and tastes regarding a topic. Blogs gives us more freedom to express ourselves.

An aspect of my English that I should improve is my speech, so to achieve it I just have to do it with personality and practice my pronunciation. I've also been watching series with audio and English subtitles to get used to listening.

I usually read things in English, but I hardly ever actually speak it. Sometimes I speak some kind of “Spanglish” when I'm with my friends, but that´s just a joke and there is a very Little English in my Spanglish.

Thank you for joining me in this last season of English <3


  1. what bad luck you had with the english test

  2. It is boring to have online classes and it is true that communication is not at all the same as face-to-face

  3. Online experience is awful. I'd love to have studied English presencially.


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